"Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." -- Nikos Kazantzakis

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blog Post 4

In Defense of Gadgets
 Have you ever experienced an over-crowded, cluttered and hard to follow blog page? I have personally encountered many myself, and it isn't enjoyable to read the postings or navigate through different links because there are so many to choose from. This particular blog was created to defend specific gadgets that are added to my blog page and reasons why I believe it supports my blog's purpose. Here is a following explanation for  the gadgets that are applied to my page in order to enhance the information of my blog postings.

1. Picture: I thought that this particular picture enhanced my goal for this blog, as well as went along nicely with the overall blog theme. I titled it "Technology Connects Us" because technology is used all over the world and it is powerful enough to reach across countries and allow people to communicate long distances. The picture seemed to fit that idea and present a sense of unity among people, cultures, places and online social networks. I also used two other pictures at the bottom of my page to spire some inspiration for teachers, students, and the overall goal of education.

 2. Search: This is an extremely helpful gadget. It allows readers to instantly find a blog posting by simply typing in a key word or phrase. This is placed on the side bar of my blog and in the upper right corner, because when new viewers enter into my blog, they will know where to find information. It is a nice way to assistant readers and make it easy for them to navigate. 

3. Pages: I chose this gadget because it is an easy to use navigation tool, that helps blog viewers sort through my different pages and find the exact topic they need. 

4. List: I chose to post this gadget because I think it is important for the readers to know their blog creator. I listed my favorite things to do and through that information I hope to build in my student's a trust for their teacher, as well as feel more connected.  I believe that it is important that the student's not only know their teacher's academic background, but also small facts about their favorite things to do.

5. Profile: This is the "About Me" section. This gadget is more personal and explains my passions in life and what I spend my time doing. I can always better connect with people and their blogs when I know something important to them. By knowing a few simple things, it can help the reader understand the writing in a different light because they know a little bit about the author.

6. Followers: I thought this gadget was useful to my blog because once you set up a blog and begin to frequently write and post things, sometimes a reader will see if it is worth it to even attempt to read, by looking at how many views they've gotten. Popularity is a big deal and being able to see how many followers a blog has, is a tool to help you to decide whether you have a desire to read on. 

7. Blog Archive: This archive gadget allows viewers to find blog posts in an easily, organized way. I set it up, in the right column, in a format of just clicking on the months of my postings. If they click on April, for example, they will find only all of my postings made from April. A great navigation tool! 

8. Video: I posted a youtube video thread on topics having to do with technology in the classroom. I thought this gadget would be helpful for auditory learners, as well as visuals, who would more so benefit from seeing this clip. It also emphasizes the point of how important it is that all students have access to technology and the advantages it brings to effectively teach.  

9. Follow by Email: This is an extremely useful tool, especially when new updates or events are happening. Parents and students alike, can check for these changes and be notified through email what will be happening in the next week. That way, parents are always in the loop with lessons in the classroom.

10. Logo: I think this Logo gadget enhances my blog by giving credit to Blogger. It is important to sight your sources and show the viewers that they are navigating through a blog published under Blogger. It is a good advertising tool, as well.

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