"Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." -- Nikos Kazantzakis

Accountability Overview

What is Accountability?

The purpose of this blog is to share with my readers the research I have examined about Accountability of technology in Education.

In today's society, technology is rapidly growing throughout all the world, and is being taken advantage of by the school systems starting at the elementary age and reaching into college. Technology is a resource that supports communication, networking between people and places, as well as an extremely reliable source to research and information around the globe. Through this EDST 220 course, we have learned together as a class, of all the ways technology can be implemented into teaching and how effectively it can be used to support other teaching skills and styles. Four core issues were discussed and integrated into the curriculum, which were E-Sponsibility, Accessibility, Sustainability, and Accountability, which is my primary area of focus.  

Accountability Word Cloud
The definition of "Accountability" in education, according to the Education Encyclopedia is being held responsible to the outcome and success or failure of the school system. Technology is prevalent in today's classrooms, and the school is subjected to both the positive and negative impacts and affects that technology brings to students in academic performance and meeting assessments. Research made by the Harvard Educational Review wrote in their article called, "Accountability and School Performance: Implications from Restructuring Schools", that "schools with strong external accountability tended to have low organizational capacity; and the strong internal accountability tended to reinforce a school's organizational capacity." It is ultimately the internal accountability that positively increases student success, and the external that motivates schools to achieve their goals. This article continues to touch on areas that inhibit people from staying accountable in education. 

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