"Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." -- Nikos Kazantzakis


What can we do about it?

"Schools need to reflect the big picture of what's happening in society, and teachers need to feel confident they can use the technology which is the common currency of the world we live in."

One of the first solutions that we can focus on is that teachers need to be informed on technology and all of their different resources. Action should be taken, and workshops and classes should be put together by the education system to properly train teachers to use what they are teaching others to know themselves. It is an issue sending someone out to do anything they are not prepared for when it involves other people. Why would the school districts and counsels feel comfortable giving a teacher advanced teaching tools without giving them the choice or opportunity to learn all of the techniques it has to offer? I honestly feel like that particular compromising situation for teachers, as well as students that I have heard real life examples of, is very careless and disappointing for me to hear about. The proper education of children is so vital, that only a little time should be wasted on the teacher learning and never be wasted or taken away from time investing in the kids. This is one of my own personal solutions.   

An example of not understanding technology

Computers have become an end in themselves rather than a means to an end, to assist learning and the pursuit of knowledge. 

The Nationals Academies Press states that, "the preparation and ongoing professional development of teachers in science, mathematics, and technology for grades K-12 needs rethinking and improvement, and not just on a small scale. There is now a great deal of evidence that this situation permeates much of the system of teacher preparation and professional development, including the recruiting, preparing, inducting, and retaining of teachers. Indeed, many teachers themselves report frustration with current methods of and approaches to teacher education."

Furthermore, a few "Funding Strategies for Education Technology" is to request that the funds for technology come from the school and are tied to a district plan. This plan should at least be attempted. Technology also should never just be a good to purchase once, but it should be a constant renewal of software and updates that occur annually, at least. It should also be considered as a usual expense made by the school to set money aside for technology plans. The way you gain funding is to begin by building up community support, and using local resources.

Strategies to Impact

And finally, All technology funding requests should incorporate discussion of how the results of the funding will be evaluated for their impact on teaching and learning." 

In conclusion, all technology use should be monitored in the classroom and accountability should always be present in schools so that the money is going to merely benefit the student and their increased learning capabilities and desire to learn through the implementation of technology in the classroom.