"Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." -- Nikos Kazantzakis

Coursework Archive


  • Excel Dino Project: Use the Dino information provided and design graphs, charts and colorful information to show the facts.  

  • T-Shirt Flyer: I created this T-Shirt Flyer for an assignment using Swift Publisher 2. This program has many useful tools available to access, that will be very helpful for any teacher in the classroom. 

  • Shapes Worksheet: I created this shapes worksheet using the program Swift Publisher 2. Once I understood how to use the tools and navigate the program, it was a simple route to create this type of document for a classroom activity 

    • Accountability Slideshow:  I created this slideshow to display what accountability is, in regards to education and the classroom. The emphasis is on technology in the school and both the negative and positive impacts that students' experience.  


        In-Class Activities


        • The Profiler:  In class we looked at fellow classmates internet "footprint" and presented their personal information found online.

        • Survey and Chart: Pick a favorite category and create a data sheet on the information that you collect.  I asked classmates to take a vote on which candy was their favorite and these were the results.